
Monday, October 11, 2010

Numerous car sites jumped on the hate-wagon today.


Edmund's Inside Line:

So naturally, FPH is going to jump on the wagon too and add a devilish pitchfork held by a GM stick figure to compliment Jalopnik's awesome photoshop.

Nah, just kidding. Har har har, I could not care less. Maybe the Volt is a lie. Maybe the Volt is wrongfully accused. Hell, if one day I read that the Volt is actually the yabba-dabba Fred Flintstone car underneath a shell, I still wouldn't award the car with a reaction (maybe a small one, because that would be hysterical!). To me, the Volt was always less attractive than the chrome toaster I use every morning, and so naturally, I was never a prospective buyer .

I am concerned with another issue that may arise, though. Today the media had their field day. Readers across the country will take in this information whichever way they want. The question I've got now is whether or not this will negatively affect Volt sales when it arrives to dealers. If Volt does not meet its target volume in sales by a significant margin, then what happens to the GM automobile company as a whole?

With the Volt as GM's technological halo car and with so much effort, time and R&D put into this one vehicle, can GM afford it to be a commercial failure?

How badly does this car have to work?

Best case scenario if the Volt shits the bed? Oprah buys each and every one of them for charity. Worst case? Detroit will smell like an old man's incontinence for another couple of decades.


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